
Monday, May 02, 2011


April/May A-Z Challenge: Z is for Zowie!

Now this is so cool, I can hardly stand it. My Z post connects right back to my A post. What a nifty way to complete this challenge!

ZOWIE!! This is my nephew water-skiing in Florida. Remember back in the A post I talked about alligators?? Well, obviously someone told my nephew that there are alligators in this lake. Why else would he be jumping into the sky in fright?? I hope they got him safely back in the boat and out of that dangerous lake with all due haste!

And now I award myself the A-Z Award, unofficially. I didn't get to sign up, but I did the challenge, so I earned the award, don't you think? (And now I'm relieved it's over with and I can do my normal, random writing again.)


  1. Congrats on completing your challenge! I am lovin the A-Z Book challenge...but I'm not sure I could tackle the entire alphabet through blog posts....

  2. Great still shots of your nephew--glad he was able to avoid the alligators! Congrats on finishing the challenge, it has gone by so fast. I had fun reading all your entries and sure do think you earned the award :)


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