Yesterday it pretty much rained all day. This morning when I got up and peeked out the window I was blown away with the Green-ness of the world!! It's beautiful. I just love the fresh and various greens of spring. So refreshing! And, even though they say this year's pollen count is higher than usual, my allergies are very softly responding.. almost no hassles at all. I'm so thankful!
hard to get good focus when taking through a screen..but you get the idea
I finished my Letter I author book: Left to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust by Immacule Ilibagiza. It is an awesome book that I could not put down! Of course, the genocide details are very disturbing to read, but the author's faith is strong, and she remains a loving person through it all. She's a great role model.
Now I am reading a J-author: Waiting by Ha Jin. It's a National Book Award winner, but I don't know what year it won. Copyright date is 1999. After reading just the first few sentences I knew I would love this book. Am trying to sneak in some reading time every chance I get.
Gratitude List:
1. a beautifully green world
2. sleeping in
3. fabulous books
4. M & J's happy family
5. new and old friends
6. fading allergies
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