
Tuesday, April 12, 2011


April A-Z Challenge: G is for Gardens

Today I went to Como Zoo and Conservatory. My plan was to visit the giraffes, but they weren't outside! I ended up enjoying the gardens in the conservatory. It was lovely. I sat on a bench and watched people, read my book, took photos. And, of course, took photos as I walked around, also.

Hope you enjoy my photos of the lovely Gardens!

Gratitudes List:
1. people-watching
2. cute little kids
3. my practical husband (keeping me grounded in reality)
4. people who make a difference
5. this beautiful, gorgeous spring day!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful pictures of the gardens. I especially enjoyed the close-ups of the palm and evergreen (or fern-type) leaves - although the flowers were captivating also. Sorry 'bout those elusive giraffes!


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