
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tired of My Own Company

I haven't done any substitute work in forever. The two districts I work for have been on spring break (two different weeks), and no one has needed my services even before their breaks. So I've been keeping myself company at home, and I'm boring myself to death.

I've done some sewing, however, which has been soothing. It feels good to be productive. Despite the fact that I organized and counted my UFOs, the first thing I did was make a new top. Here it is:

I copied the pattern idea from the Queen of Cool Settings: Tammy at Sunshine.

This was a UFO, but for some reason I didn't count it. It was sandwiched and ready to quilt, so I knew it would get done soon. Guess that's why I didn't count it.

This is the first of the counted UFOs which I am starting to tackle. These SBS blocks have been sitting around I really don't like SBS, so it wasn't fun to contemplate working with these. Today I just charged ahead and got the top put together. Whew! I'll be glad when this one is done and out of the house.

I managed to read one book: The Dark Side of Innocence: Growing Up Bipolar by Terri Cheney. Interesting book! I'm halfway through another book. Think I'll go do some more reading.


  1. LOVE the first quilt! The green is wonderful! :)

  2. Love the second quilt.

  3. I get bored with my own company too! Luckily I can always call my mom and dad or pop over to see them.

    Love all these quilts--your mix of improv and some organization is wonderful. And what a great way to modernize a SBS. Clever you!

  4. I get tired of my own company mostly when I am mid-hissy fit. I am alone most of the time, but I think that it's the art that blasts all boredom out of the water. I am not at all sure that I am aware of ME at all when I paint, or even when I am stepping away from whatever I'm going through far enough to try to write and entertain with it. Know what I mean? I get starved sometimes, though for being fed by different voices--then I know I've been alone too long. It is fun and artistically nourishing to see your work. Always, whether or not I respond.

  5. I've been making a ton of crumb blocks in my spare time (never have much of that) and have over 100. I love the way you've used them. My I borrow some of them? Of coursefor Sunshine.

  6. Loved that first quilt too! I may have to borrow that setting too. It is a great one. Shows of the crumbs and it looks like you planned it that way all along! Great!

    I've been so busy that I haven't checked your blog for awhile. From the looks of it, you've been busy too.

    Happy thoughts for you and yours!


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