
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Books Finished in Georgia

Last Saturday I left Minnesota and flew to Georgia to visit my pal, Julie. I planned it so cleverly that I managed to leave home before the big 10-inch snowfall hit. And to make it even nicer for me, the weather in Georgia has been gorgeous! Most days we've enjoyed at least some sunshine, and temperatures have been in the mid 60s and low 70's F. Perfect weather!

I'm still in Georgia so haven't had a chance to upload my photos. I'll do that in a day or two. Meanwhile I'll take this time to tell you about the two books I have finished on this trip. Both of these books are on my Kindle.

The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. This story of a family is narrated by the dog. It's very entertaining and a captivating story. Racing in the rain has to do with racing cars, which is the occupation of the man in the family. The dog is very clever and smart and can see and sense things that humans can't, just like real dogs do. Too bad they can't talk to tell us about the things they notice. The book is a story of a family and complicated relationships; the dog is a superb narrator. I recommend this fun and moving book.

Crazy For the Storm by Norman Ollestad. This one is a memoir; a true story of Ollestad's growing years, the relationships with his divorced parents, his escapades on ski slopes and surfing big waves off the California coast. A tragedy occurs, and he describes his response to the tragedy, while alternating chapters catch us up on the years that led to the tragedy. By the end, the growing up years and the tragedy have "met" in time, and you are carried through to the end somewhat in awe of all that happened to the author. I don't want to give it away, but it's a good story that includes some questions on parenting, step-parenting, raising children to develop their bravery, and many other issues. Another good page-turner.

These were perfect books for reading on airplanes and while lazing about on vacation.

Tomorrow I'll be back home and can catch up on other news and on my 30 Days of Photos.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like perfect timing! I'm hoping to get some lazing about and reading time in a few weeks but am going to a colder place instead of warmer. Go figure!


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