
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2011 Quilt Show

Here are some beautiful quilts currently hanging at my guild's annual show... enjoy the eye candy!

This is my quilt, designed by BrendaLou of Scottie Dog Quilts. It is hanging in the entryway.

our Featured Quilter this year is a wonderful member of our guild who died in July.. we sure miss her. This is one of her gorgeous quilts.

quilt by me

our guild makes pillowcases to donate around the community, so they hung some up for "advertising"

wall hanging by me

a pillow by me

every year we have a challenge as part of the show. This year only 4 people entered challenge quilts. This is one of the 4. I made something, but decided not to enter it in the show.


  1. thanks for "taking me to the show." Very nice assortment of quilts and your's looks great hanging in the entry against the brick.

  2. Wow! What a show! Thanks for taking the time to take all the pictures and post them. It's always fun for me to see what others are doing.

  3. What a beauties! Big and small, tradidional and modern, just luve them. The last one, with the Do what you love applique, is a cuty!

  4. Loved the quilt show! How fun to have three pieces displayed. Hope you got lots of compliments on your diverse and special work!

  5. What a group of talented ladies-beautiful quilts girls

  6. I love quilt shows. Thanks for Sharing.

  7. What a wonderful creative group you belong too! Thanks for sharing the lovely creations! :)

  8. I enjoyed the many quilts in your quilt show. They are just goreous.
    Our quilting guild is putting on a quilt show in October. I am looking forward in entering 3 of my quilts. we also have a challenge quilt to make for show. I have gotten my fabric but haven't started making it yet.

  9. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Wow. I am not a quilter--but the skill in creating the Harry Potter one was amazing. I have a friend who made a similar word one to yours and I love that style. I also really liked your pillow with all the words. I am assuming those are the scrap ends of fabric that you repurposed--clever!


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