
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Warm Heads are Happy Heads

I finished knitting some more hats! I enjoy making hats because they're useful items, and they're pretty quick. I can make one and not get too bored with it, and then it's done!

This one is for a collection of preemie hats at a local yarn shop. They'll be donated to an area hospital. I hope to make at least one more preemie hat before the end of the month when they are due. This is my lovely dolly modeling the hat. She is wearing a preemie outfit, so I hope her head is about preemie size, also.

These two hats are for kids in Afghanistan, through the Afghans for Afghans group. They really don't want many hats, but as a beginning knitter I wasn't able to churn out sweaters and socks like they want. I'm working on a vest and am crossing my fingers that I'll get it done before the deadline, and that it'll actually look like a vest and be useable. I have never knitted an actual garment before, so it's exciting and somewhat intimidating!

I've spent the last couple of days cleaning our guest room and re-arranging. Later I'm going to show a before and after picture, but I'm not done enough for the after picture yet. This is part of it, though. I gathered up all my TBR books and put them in this shelf, alphabetized by author. Wow! I surprised even myself with how many books I have. They all look so good! I wonder how many of them I will read this year.

I shall say goodnight for now so that I can steal a few precious minutes to read before I must get my beauty sleep. Ta-ta!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't made a baby hat in ages, but yours looks the right size for a preemie.

    Please share a photo of the vest when you finish. I also knit for afghans for Afghans, but life got in the way of this last campaign. What vest pattern are you using? I like to knit the vest at the bottom of the Steepe Sweater pattern (free online pattern)


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