
Monday, September 06, 2010

Kandee's Quilt!

Kandee's quilt is done... except for the binding which I'll do very soon. It's beautiful!! Thank you so much to everyone who sent in blocks, to Diane who volunteered to quilt it, and to all who sent in money to help with the whole process.

Here's a lovely additional surprise: Diane suggested that the money you sent should go to Kandee instead of to her (it was originally to pay for the machine quilting). She said Kandee needs it more. Isn't she a doll??

So here are the photos. I took a lot, hoping that you will all be able to see your own blocks and also to get a look at the machine quilting. I'll let you all know when this gets delivered to Kandee.


  1. WOW!! This sure came out great!!!

  2. It is beautiful--I can't even remember what the block that I sent looked like :) What a treasure--a wonderful gift!
    Carin from Margaret's Hope Chest

  3. Omigosh, that is lovely...!

  4. Carol, The quilt is fabulous! You and Diane did wonderful work and isn't Kandee going to be pleased! I love the look of scrappy neutrals with the red and blue/green. In case you're curious I see my blocks....they have the neutral buttons, the fabric is from a wonderful garage sale.
    Thank you for taking on this project and a thanks to Diane, too.
    Super quilters..the 2 of you!
    Hugs, Betty M.

  5. Beautiful quilt. What lovely people to give their time for free.


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