I went to visit my friend, Kay. Even though we've been friends forever, I had never been to her house! She and her husband live in the country and have a pretty little place... apple trees, a huge garden, a pretty dog, and a great view of a little lake that she looks at while making quilts. She has a ton of beautiful quilts piled all around the place. Every time I commented on one she said, "oh, that's OLD!" as if that renders it unworthy of appreciation. Ha! Her quilts were beautiful! Unfortunately, I failed to get any pictures of her quilts. That was foolish!
Kay's big garden serves as her own personal fitness program
They have donkeys! So cute.. and their twin grand-daughters ride them!
Kay's sewing station...
...and the great view she enjoys while sewing
Wow, I might start sewing again if I had THAT view to look at while doing so...beautiful!