
Thursday, June 24, 2010

An I Book and a P Book

Summer Reading - Photo by me in summer, 2007

You can tell that it's summer: I'm reading more! Recently I've read two "just for fun" books. One was an I book.. which I thought I needed on my A-Z challenge list, but discovered I had already recorded an I book. Oh, well. I read them both, so I'm going to list them both!

This I book was The Inn at Lake Devine by Elinor Lipman. It was an interesting book; I liked how it started. I wasn't as fond of how it developed in the last half, so it didn't make my "favorites" list. While I visited my mom recently, we both did a lot of reading. I was sick, so couldn't do much else. I spent my time on her sofa, reading. She read The Inn at Lake Devine in a day, and when she finished said in a pleased voice, "interesting!" I think she liked it better than I did.

Today I finished a P book for my list: The Personal History of Rachel DuPree by Ann Weisgarber. This book actually is not published yet! My sister, a bookstore owner, gets advanced copies which she shares with our mom.. and Mom recommended this one to me. This one I liked better than The Inn...

The Personal History... (now I'm quoting the back cover): "tells the little-known story of African American pioneers and gives voice to an extraordinary heroine who embodies the strength and spirit that built America." It was a well-told story, and it takes place in South Dakota near the Rosebud Reservation which I have been to, so I can perfectly picture the terrain and some of the weather patterns. I do recommend this book. The publication date is listed as August 2010. It's worth a read if you can purchase one or get one from a library.

I love reading in the summer! Now... which book will be next?


  1. I love reading too, have you read Madonnas of Leningrad? My aunt recommended it. I just finished it and it is very good.

  2. Your sick photo gave me a chuckle! If you need a "C" try Harlen Cobin...anyone of his books is a great thriller.

  3. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Hey C: I clicked on your process pledge link out of curiosity. I had no idea what to expect. It made me smile. It makes sense that quilters talk about the process as much as the product. Knitters do that too. Have a great day!

  4. Carol, thank you so much for reading my novel, The Personal History of Rachel DuPree. I'm delighted you enjoyed it even with all the uncorrected mistakes in the advanced reading copy. If you would, please thank your sister and your mother for passing on the book. It's fun to think of it making the rounds, going from one reader to the next.

    Happy reading as you move through the alphabet.


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