
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Awesome MQ Quilts, 2

the background is cross-stitched

the quilter used a picture of her grandson.. adorable, n'est-ce pas?

I loved this simple concept yet awesome garden quilt

made by a 12 year-old! I'd be pleased with this one myself!

made by a 9 year-old! She "found" this girl while working with strips.. do we have an accomplished designer in our future?

made by one of the show teachers

a beautifully embroidered all-wool quilt.

I like the free piecing in this.. notice the lace along the bottom of the middle part

made by a member of my local guild.. either Doris K. or Sandi I. .. I can't remember which.

This is going to be a raffle quilt, but I can't remember by which group.


  1. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Wow! that's some quilt show. And three cheers for the youngsters! I feel like I just visited an art gallery. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Amazing variety of quilts. I love a quilt show like this!


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