
Friday, April 02, 2010

Spring Break: Almost Done!

"Queen of the World" - or the best I could do on finding a picture of her, whoever she is. This is from mediaoutrage(dot)com

The days have rolled along quickly, and I have not completed as much sewing as I had hoped. I have done more knitting than sewing in the last couple of days: dish cloths, and I started a hat.

I have also run errands, gone to doctor appointments, got my hair cut, grocery shopped, tried a couple new recipes, completed a little house-cleaning (didn't want to get carried away, of course), enjoyed the great outdoors and lovely weather, and, I'll admit, taken it easy and behaved rather lazily.

Today I watched another movie. I have watched three during my break:
1) Hachi - loved it and cried (although if this were a serious review, I would say the only amazing actor was the dog)
2) Miss Congeniality - silly and fun; cuter story than I expected
3) Hurt Locker - very intense and well-done. I was glad the bloodshed was not overwhelming in this war story. Why is it called Hurt Locker?

I forgot where I left my D book, so I started on my G book. Now my reading is like my quilting: lots of starts and not many completions. Did you notice that I talked about my Q book a few days ago and got a comment from the author himself? What a fun surprise!

Now it's down to the weekend, which I intend to thoroughly enjoy. It's my last two days of spring break. When I become queen of the world, I am going to make sure that every profession gets a spring break of some sort. It's a wonderful thing!

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