
Thursday, April 22, 2010


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Feeling kinda down tonight.

A co-worker asked me about my post-retirement plans, and for the first time I felt genuinely sad about it instead of happy.

I'm missing a friend.

I'm tired of my own tendency to put foot in mouth. (Why do I do that? It doesn't even taste good.)


  1. Hugs! Take a deep breathe... These feelings are predictable... You are a hard worker and a loving compassionate advocate... be good to yourself!

  2. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Is it because it is drawing near and starting to be more real now? Totally understandable. It isn't an ending...just a new chapter :)

  3. Change is always hard, even if you want it!

    Sorry you are feeling sad and having difficulties with your foot. All of us have that same problem sometimes!

  4. Tuba, yes, because it's starting to feel real, and I'm feeling the loss part of it: missing my students and the camaraderie of the staff. And Annie, yes, even a change we want can be hard.

  5. I found the transition to retirement more difficult than I had anticipated. Of course a couple of other things happened about the same time, my mother got sick and my daughter moved away. I have also lost touch with most of the people I worked with. But I feel like the last few months I have been on the up side! Hang in there.

  6. I left the public school system this academic year to be a stay at home mom, and while I am not "retired" I mourn the loss of my friends, the children, my routine, being a part of the best part of many a child's day....
    I felt directionless, isolated and depressed for about a month - then I slowly found my rut (oh! I meant Groove - not rut!). I know you will too. Just think of the many magnificent creations you'll be stitching!

  7. Anonymous7:33 AM


    I'm sorry you're sad. Think about the difference you've made in so many people's lives in the course of your work. And it's vulnerable folks who REALLY need someone like you to guide them. Maybe we could get your friend to come over to your blog and see what a good person you are and they will understand/forgive - your foot. Good thing we only have two, eh?


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