
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Spring Break: Day One

Our son's college buddy is walking 2,000 miles -- from Minneapolis to Miami! He started his trip today. It's a fundraiser and awareness booster for Haiti. We joined in for the first couple of miles of his walk. If you are so inclined, please send him your good thoughts or prayers for a safe and successful journey!

hands-on blessing

he departs

a crowd of friends accompanies him for the first miles

Our evening event was a wedding (my co-worker's). It was fun to see my co-workers all dressed up and in a party atmosphere instead of work... a nice way to kick-off Spring Break.

"I'm with her."

the cutest dancers

Wow, I sure am tired after a day that was more fun than it was strenuous. What's up with that??


  1. Yes, I remember meeting someone from the cottage when I was "dressed up" and she said that she almost didn't recognize me with my clothes on....too funny.
    lovely dress on a lovely bride. Your son is very generous in his heart...he'll be fit by the time he gets to Miami.

  2. You're tired prolly cuz you had to be on your best behavior :P

    Sounds like a great kickoff to some time off. Enjoy!

  3. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Happy Spring Break!!!!!!

  4. Wish your son's college buddy good luck from me...!

    And those two little kids have got to be the CUTEST little kids I have ever seen. Omigawd...! That picture is a prize winner. :-)

  5. Anonymous8:45 AM

    C: Saw the walk on the news. Here's a link to his blog: What an interesting and compassionate project!

  6. like the new look to the blog!

  7. I love the walking mission - best of luck to him!

    Also, great pictures at Shannon's wedding. Thanks for posting these. I love the happy bride :)

    -Crystal (maid of honor)


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