
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Kept My Hands Busy

Here is evidence that I kept my hands busy this weekend:

finished knitting these two dish cloths ... am having fun getting re-acquainted with knitting lately

made two Lotto blocks for Sunshine

My quilt guild spent Saturday making back packs for kids in our county who are in foster care. I had made a couple of traditional tote bags ahead of time, then we made these more "modern" style backpacks on Saturday.. too cute! We made 114 bags! We rock! Susie and I will hand deliver the bags some time in March (to the foster care unit, not to the kids themselves).

seeing ourselves from this butt-shot view was a little disturbing


  1. I've been having fun knitting too but socks in my case.

    Great job on the backpacks.

  2. I love the bags! Great job! When they first became popular Laura and I made some...but were very ummmm primitive lol

    I want to KNIT!

  3. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Yea!!! The knit cloths look great. Luv the group butt pic!

  4. Love the knitting, the packs, the butt shot AND your hair!!! Wow, it's so long, but it looks great!! Hope I get to see it "in person" one of these days...


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