
Monday, January 25, 2010

Dear Readers,

photo by me; Saint Paul Winter Carnival 2007

I am writing you a letter. I want you to know what I did.

[Reader: Gulp! What could it be?! What terrible, awful, no-good, horrible thing has Carol done for which she needs to confess??]

Many of you write blogs that I love to read. Is your blog no longer on my sidebar? Please do not fret! I was tired of having such a long list over there. It was taking over the world. So I erased some of them from public view only. They are still at my dashboard in the list of blogs I follow!

Never fear. I will continue to attempt to read as many of your blogs as I can. I know you realize that life is just too darn busy to try to visit every blog every day. Despite that I will continue in my previous haphazard fashion and visit you as often as I can.

I know I appreciate readers, so I wanted to reassure you that you have not lost me as a reader of your Beautiful Blog.

Your pal,

[Reader: Whew! That wasn't so bad. That's pretty much what we all do. What a relief!]


  1. Well, you took some away, and I added a couple this year. You know, it's hard to decide who to keep and who to let go. I have people who read me regularly and comment regularly and they are kept.
    I also have some like "Crazymom quilts" who used to have so many readers that there is no way that these women are going to have the time to answer a 100 comments a day.
    No, I like my regular "friends" who visit and comment. It's a nice feeling.
    I also visit Irish Muses, but her blog just doesn't load on my sidebar, so she stays in my favorites.
    a good blog.
    By the way if you have a chance to see it, the movie "I dreamed of Africa" has a couple of awesome giraffe scenes in it.

  2. That is what I do, too...

  3. I don't keep a list on my blog because I don't anyone to feel slighted. What you did is fine and I have no clue if I was even on it.

  4. Oh Carol, send me an email, I have an absolutely awesome giraffe photo to make your heart sing.
    I couldn't find an email notice on your profile.

  5. Anonymous7:50 AM

    What a BEAUTIFUL photo from the Winter Carnival, but should't you be looking for the medallion, instead??? ;-) Sidebar, Schmidebar . . . It's your blog!


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