
Friday, October 23, 2009

Around the House (a Life Examined)

Around the House: October

Reading: Oxygen by Carol Cassella. It started out pretty compelling, but it gets weaker as it goes on. Now I just want it to be done.

Enjoying: My last year at work. I'll retire in June, and that gives me an interesting perspective while on the job.

Learning: how to be a mother-in-law.

Watching: Favorite new TV shows: Middle (Patricia Heaton and her goofy family.. I love the boy, Brick, who whispers repeated words into his chest. Cracks me up!) and Modern Family (another goofy family story. I love watching how much giggling Charles does over this show.)

Anticipating: Thanksgiving. It'll be here before you know it, and is one of my favorite holidays.

Realizing: how my personality has affected me in ways I didn't notice until I reached an older, wiser age and stage in life. Why does wisdom have to come too late??

Pondering: Whether I can pull off participating in a quilting cruise in 2011.

Studying: how to be a better interpreter. I just registered for an online class that is going to take up hours for reading, practicing, doing homework, discussion on the online bulletin board, etc. Maybe by the time I retire I'll finally be an OK interpreter.

Wondering: about Autumn.

Remembering: my dad. I remember him fondly and miss him.

Praying: for patience and wisdom.


  1. I like this post! I think your retirement reward should be your quilting cruise!

    I also LOVE Thanksgiving. It IS my favorite holiday.

    Hopefully things will settle down for me soon and I'll be able to come back to book group next week!

  2. I like this post. What wonderful things to share with us. I think I'm going to do this on my blog in the next day or so.

    You don't look old enough to retire! Enjoy it once you get there.

  3. Just stopping by to see what you've been up to and to say hello. Hello! :-)

  4. PS - I just posted this on my blog. Check it out.

  5. I like this idea....but you are NOT old! Love ya!

  6. I love that sky photo. You should join Sky Watch Friday!

  7. of course you can go cruising! After the down payment it's less than $50 per month!

  8. You are going to love retirement - I retired in 2008 and wouldn't go back to work unless I really had to. I'd love to go on a quilting cruise but find it a bit pricey at this time, perhaps when the markets pick up a bit more.


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