
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Want to Buy an Amputated Foot?

Lately I have treated myself to extended times parked in front of my sewing machine. It feels great to get a lot done! As I mentioned yesterday, I finished the Ugly Top. Poor thing.. I dissed it badly, but ended up liking it. Here it is, along with a close-up so you can see the fabrics I used.

This one is a border that morphed into a quilt top. I started the center green parts as a border for another top, but it looked awful on that particular top. It looked OK on its own, though, so I sewed them together in this fashion and bordered it up, and voila! another quilt top done. It's sort of adult looking. I might give it to some adult who would like to have a lap quilt.

I may have posted this before. I'm not sure. All the blocks were made at the Friday Block Party. And the layout design is Tammy's. (Sunshine members may recognize Tammy's signature layout. Her ideas are so worth stealing!)

Then I made a few more toys. I have decided to sell my toys at the art fair at my previous church this November. I need to make more so that I have a reasonable inventory for a sale. The eyelashes on my eyeball toy are 3-D. What do you think? Is that one too weird?

This last one looks like an amputated foot! (The creature's butt is the heal, and it's head is the toe. See what I mean?) Ewwww! How much would YOU be willing to pay for an amputated foot?


  1. yes amputated foot..kinda cute tho!

    Do you like the

  2. Oh too funny about that foot! There has been a few feet washed up on the shores of British Columbia...but no bodies have been found with missing feet. Too too wierd!
    Love your colours.

  3. Your quilt turned out great! and I like the Block Party quilt, too. Your creatures are funny.

    Check out a 100th blog post giveaway for a chance at a cute Halloween mini quilt

    pass the word along!

  4. The "ugly" quilt was never ugly in my eyes! I like the way you balanced the "solid" colored squares==gives the eye a place to rest without breaking it up too much. Your other quilts are so pretty too. No thank you for an amputated foot, but love the monsters with the googly eyes!


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