
Friday, September 25, 2009

One Rotten Apple

I apologize, but because of One Rotten Apple in the bunch, I had to turn on comment moderation. Please feel free to continue leaving comments...... if you are an honest, forthright person, as you all are except for the one recent visitor who ruined it for everyone. I hope Rotten Apple gets a life. Spam comments are not even close to being cool or clever.

P.S. I didn't make it clear, but the Spammer comment person was not a regular comment... it was really a bunch of spam and suggestive words, and it was left at a bunch of old posts so that I had to do some work to delete them all. It wasn't any of you innocent writers... I love my regular comment-leavers!


  1. they are a pain, but I've found as long as I delete anything they post (which I find easy becuase I have all comments sent to my email, so can easily see them) the spam comments are few and far between... like little two or three spats of them every 7-8 months it seems...

  2. I don't get people that do that. Why would you take the time to go to a blog and read it just to leave a nasty comment?


I have turned on comment moderation; your message will appear after it has been approved.