
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ladies of Grace 09/30/09

join Ladies of Grace, and check out Beth's giveaway

This week I have no story of how I opened up to grace. Just a story of how I'm closed off. I have a cold heart and need to work on it.

Last spring someone said something to me that hurt my feelings. It was supposed to be work-related, but it came out sounding more like a slam against my personality. I really struggled with going back to work this fall, because it's still a sore spot in my heart.

I've been trying to forgive and move on. It's hard. This week something happened to remind me... and make it appear to me that this person just doesn't even like me at all.

I've always hated feeling disliked. And this lingering cloud around my heart is not good. I am going to put a note in God's In-box and ask for help. Will you please pray for me, too?


  1. Yes, I will :) take care -

  2. yes, me too! I hope you are able to shake it and have a good day! You have so many people that care deeply for you...Take Care!

  3. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Well, that person must be nuts...or judgy cause you are awesome! Despite that, it must be hard to just shake off. I know I have a hard time with that as well.

  4. Just a thought: when I was having similar feelings about a person, God told me to pray for that person, as though he was a friend. I struggled with that suggestion but did it and after a fairly short while I begin feeling peace. I kept it up and could smile again and leave that person to God. worked for me.

  5. I had a similar experience a few years before I retired last year. It came to the point where I no longer enjoyed going to work - then I said to myself "If I quit then they have won". So I stuck it out and did my best to avoid dealing with that person - when someone has done something really hurtful to me (thank goodness not very often) I find it impossible to forgive, not nice I suppose but that's me.If you are sure that you have done your best then be confident in that and carry on.

  6. Dear Lord...we know you are perfecting all those things which concern Carol...for we are fearfully and wonderfully made and Your favor surrounds us as like a shield and all those who rise up against us shall fall!!!

  7. Oh, my heart hurts just feeling yours! Just know that we have all had this happen to us. Sometimes to the extreme. I once stayed away from a volunteer project for 9 months and yet, did go back to the group later. Taking the high road is not easy. It's the long, hard way to grace but its way is the deep, true way that keeps us on course of what matters most. You matter to us. And each of us carries so much dark baggage and each of us often hurts another out of our own place of pain. Say, a blessing for that person and feel grace slip into the crevices of your heart. You carry SO much goodness and love in you. Never let another's action hurt yours. ((hugs!))


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