
Friday, September 04, 2009

Distracted by Football

Tonight I watched the Vikings-Dallas football game on TV. I like to sew while watching football, so I made a couple of blocks that were posted at Friday Block Party. The first one went swimmingly, but the second one does not much resemble the original pattern.

First I goofed and made a couple of pieces that weren't even part of the pattern. Then when I made the correct pattern pieces, I neglected to notice which pieces of fabric were to be included in the pieces. So they didn't look much like they were supposed to. I ended up assembling the block using the invented parts. It looks fine, but who would have dreamed I would come up with this block when seeing the original pattern?!

The Vikings managed to lose, but I completed two perfectly useable blocks, so I guess I won.


  1. I don't know what you did wrong with the first block. I looks great to me. I love the way the faces of the creatures "peep" out. The colors of the other block are great.

  2. Wow, I like your design even better:) You are a very good sewer--all crispy points and flat seams. Serendipity!

  3. Those blocks are great! I love the bright colors of them. I love fun blocks like that! I am catching up and you have been busy! Looks like a good time has been had by all lately...don't worry about your mom...


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