
Friday, August 28, 2009

Fun, Fun....

It has been a busy and fun week, with my sister and nephew here visiting, and even some quilty stuff getting done. Tonight we had dinner with my son and DIL (I like saying that... they have now been married for one month). After dinner we had ice cream - yum! And I gave DIL, Hummingbird, her quilt which was her college graduation gift. Finally got it done, but I say that's not bad - only three months late.

Today's mail brought me this fabulous Giveaway (below) that I won from Vicki at . The fabrics are beautiful, and there are so many of them! Wow! And look at the gorgeous book! That is going to be a fun book to look at for inspiration. Thanks a million, Vicki!

Yesterday sis, nephew, and I went to the local zoo, which I had not visited in years. It has really grown since I was there last. They added a visitor center, restaurant, really nice gift shop, lots of gorgeous flowers (I dig those fabulous lily pads) and extras like a seasonal butterfly house for this summer. We really enjoyed seeing the animals, and it was such a beautiful day!
I have never before seen such enormous lily pads!

Zebra is my sister's favorite animal.

My favorite is - guess what - giraffes! Aren't they great?! These beauties were 15 feet tall! And the baby was 11 feet. Their legs alone are taller than most humans (over six feet tall)! I would lovelovelove to see giraffes in their natural home habitat. Wouldn't that be incredible?

The cougar and the lion both posed so nicely for us.
Very regal!

Baby orangutan: "Mommy! Watch this!"

Looovvved the Butterfly House!

The fun continues this weekend with more family gatherings and celebrations. TTYL!


  1. I loved the pictures from the zoo. I think the last zoo I visited was the Minneapolis Zoo when I was in town on business 7 or 8 years ago. Our meeting room was there !

  2. I love Como Zoo...we go probably 3-4 times a year! We go to the conservatory in the winter for all the cool vegetation!

    Have a nice weekend

  3. I haven't been to a zoo in awhile, so thanks for the pics! Love the green and white quilt, if DIL doesn't like it, I'll volunteer to take it over, LOL!

  4. The quilt you made for your DIL is terrific - great gentle greens and neutrals with a few that pop. Fun to see the zoo pictures as well!

  5. Love the pictures and the quilt for your DIL!

    Did you know that for every foot tall a giraffe is it's tongue is an inch long - 15 ft tall giraffe = 15 inch long tongue!

  6. Lovely pictures of the Butterfly House.

    Your quilt is up on the Q4L blog. Sorry for the delay.


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