
Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday Five

Five (make that six) fun things about my week:

1) My sister started a Facebook account!

2) I finished three quilts that will be given away... all very pretty. One is so gorgeous it's almost hard to part with it! (Pictures will come in a day or two.)

3) I won a wonderful giveaway at ! My lucky day!

4) Book group on Tuesday was super fun - met at M's house and fell in love with her, her life, her house, her husband, and her dog.

5) My daughter got a new (better) job! Yippeee!!

6) The Beginning Quilt Class I helped teach came to an end. By the last day we had dwindled down to one student. Faithful Leslie is shown above, finishing her table runner. She still needs a binding lesson which we will happily provide. Leslie came to every class except when she had to work, she worked hard on all the block unit lessons and practiced at home, she came up with a table runner pattern on her own, using the practice pieces she had created, and she made an innovative backing piece for the runner -- other practice pieces! She doesn't think she is creative, but look at what magic has been wrought! She created, she designed, she sewed, she quilted! Voila! A happy success!


  1. yahoo for Leslie! and for Autumn and for your sister!

  2. Your posts always make me smile, Carol! I was looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday, but I ended up "passing" my volunteer interview instead and officially start tutoring in a few weeks. I'm excited. And I enjoyed meeting the SSABE coordinator.

  3. Ha ha ha - I LOVE that picture of Leslie! That's the facial expression that I see whenever I stop by and she's bent over her project! :)
    Thanks for mentioning the party! I had so much fun too - I went to visit an old friend in WI this weekend, and she's very jealous of our group! I told her to come visit sometime... :)
    See you tomorrow!


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