
Monday, August 17, 2009


Flowers in my yard...
does anyone know what kind of insect that is?

This is Goldenrod which blooms at the end of summer, when it's nearly time to return to work. To me it's a bittersweet sign of the progression of time. It's beautiful, but I'm not ready for summer to end. Ever.


  1. Your flowers are gorgeous. I love the lush look of this time of year but you are right it will soon be gone.

  2. I noticed today that the maple trees are starting to turn yellow. Even in SoCalif there are signs of the end of summer (besides all the forest fires!) Pretty flowers, hope you enjoy the heck out 'em! I don't know what that insect is, looks like some kind of wasp to me.

  3. What beautiful flower photos - thanks for sharing! My flowers have all been eaten by the local deer, so I have to enjoy other gardener's pretty summer color. Enjoy your day!

  4. What lovely flowers and photos. Looks to me like the insect is some sort of cousin to a firefly.

  5. The bug looks like some kind of beetle. I love the flowers you've posted. We've had so much rain here that my flowers are so stressed! I am also seeing signs of fall happening although my sweetie says not to even mention it for another month...


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