
Friday, August 07, 2009

Fictitious Names and Real Live Herbs

photo is from ilovemybaby dot org

I have been using made-up names for my family members on this blog. They are named in my profile.

My daughter hated her made-up name, Marjorie, and also hated the name I gave to her boyfriend: Greg. So I decided to go really far out. I re-named some of my family members. I hope this doesn't confuse my readers. I'll try to make it clear.

From now on my daughter is Autumn and her boyfriend is Harley. My son is Greene and his wife is Hummingbird.

My husband will continue as Charles. Sometimes I even call him Charles IRL!
Now for the herbs part. I ran across a great idea for preserving herbs such as cilantro, basil, etc. etc... so you can use them year-round. We've wondered what to do and have sometimes let our extra cilantro get all dried and icky and then we just toss it. What a waste!
Here's the tip on how to keep them fresh and useable: from 4 Bushel Farm.


  1. OMGosh - you are toooo much! 8-))) But then, from a girl who names her blog, "Giraffe Dreams," maybe those names are ordinary! Harley? Autumn - kinda nice and Hummingbird? Hey, were you a Flower Cild? How will you keep them straight?

  2. Autumn and Harley, Greene and Hummingbird: Perfect!


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