
Monday, July 20, 2009

Reward for Working Hard

Yesterday, after a long day both of us spent cleaning, Charles made us a delicious dinner. He used his George Foreman grill which I gave him for Father's Day.

That's all for now! Just sharing a photo of the wonderful dinner we had last night. Today it's on to more cleaning and some last minute prep for the Saturday wedding. Excitement mounts!


  1. Mmmmmm....that looks delicious!

  2. wow - you must be an adult. 3 things on your plate? pretty rare in my world

  3. My DH is on his third George. He never cooked until he got the first one and now he is the primary chef in our home.

  4. Army Doc, why do you think I took a picture of it?? :-)

  5. Its so nice for someone else to think up the meal, isn't it? I told my husband that I don't care what he makes as long as he comes up with the idea. If he wants to make a call to the pizza place, all the better!


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