
Friday, July 24, 2009

The Rehearsal

Goin' to the chapel and we're
gonna get married...

...Goin' to the chapel of love!

our DD and her BF

opening a wedding gift from Grandma


  1. I kept watching the sky for you! I was relieved when it didn't rain! Hope tomorrow is sunny and bright! You all deserve it! Hugs!!!

  2. Hey, I have a nephew with a nom du blog getting married to a Melody-esque person tomorrow! What are the odds?

  3. I meant I have a nephew with a nom du blog OF STEVEN getting married to a Melody-esque person tomorrow!

    Of course, anyone who knows me knows I often leave words out when I speak, as well.

    Congrats Carol and Chuck. See you Saturday.

  4. Have a great day today. Best of luck to the happy couple, may they have many great years together.

  5. Carol! You're becoming the Mom of a married son and a MIL today!! I am totally in shock. Wish I could be there, but know my heart will be with you all day. May they have a beautiful wedding day and many wonderful memories after the happy couple ventures off for their new life together!! HUGE HUGS!! (and a few tears)


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