
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Refusing to Panic

The wedding takes place at our house next Saturday... we are not totally ready, but I refuse to panic. It's going to be a fun day, and we'll be as ready as we can be when the day arrives.

Meanwhile I spent the day sewing... 13 hours today! My guild gets together once a month for a marathon sewing day. Well, a fraction of my guild shows up, but those of us who do show up always have fun and get a lot done. I'm very tired and about to go to bed, so I'll just show you what I managed to sew today, and that's it for now.

baby blanket for Rosebud

an overdue gift quilt that I assembled; all it needs now is a border

another baby blanket for Rosebud

ditto the above

a lap size quilt that is assembled except for the borders;
and there was one more baby blanket that I neglected to photograph

1 comment:

  1. I love everything you did. I can imagine how nervous you are about the wedding but I promise it will come together and be a fun day.


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