
Monday, July 13, 2009

As the Summer Turns

WoooHooo! I'm really feeling good, and am so happy about the upcoming wedding. Steven and Melody asked me to put together a photo board to have on display at the reception. They emailed me a bunch of pictures, and it makes me grin from ear to ear to see the pictures. They have had SO MUCH FUN together ever since they started dating (about 2.5 years ago). Hubby and I love to see that. We think having fun and really enjoying being together is very important in a marriage. So they seem to be off on the right foot.

It is fun to be enjoying such a happy glow this summer.

Today I made a toy.. a two-headed wonder.

And then I realized that if I turned it upside down, it would have been a good shape for a square headed guy with two rounded legs. So I made another one.

They're twins, sort of.

Tomorrow I have to do the Mission Team attack (i.e., hard work organizing and cleaning) in my sewing room. Uffda.. what a mess. Wish me luck!


  1. Uffda! I love it when you talk Minnesotan!

  2. Uffda! lol..

    Don't you wish we were all there to help you???

    My 25th anniversary is July 21st!

  3. You are going wild with these toy! I love this one!


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