Today, Thursday, was my first day of summer vacation, even though yesterday was supposed to be. Yesterday I had to go back into the office for a couple things and to clean off my desk. All the rooms are being rearranged and everything was in chaos. I didn't want to come back to a big mess in the fall. Plus, I had TWO trainings to go to... one in the morning, and one in the evening. So it was quite a full day with very little free time to do as I chose.
Here is what I did today:
1) It was the first day for Bea et moi to teach our Beginning Quilting Class. We had three students and two spectators. (You didn't know quilting was a spectator sport, didya?!) We had a good time, and I hope the students enjoyed what they learned. They are all doing a great job!
2) Ran some errands, e.g. post office (thrilling, I know).
3) Watched two movies! One was by accident. I happened to turn on public television at exactly the right time to watch Independent Lens. The program was called "A Lion in the House" and documents three families who have children with cancer. Fascinating, sad, hopeful, thought-provoking - a big Wow. Second movie was from Netflix: "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas." Another Wow.. very well done! I've read the book, too, which was also great. It deals with the atrocities of war as seen through two 8-year-old boys' eyes... innocent, confused, naive, trusting, scared... I highly recommend this movie (and/or the book).
4) I'm suddenly remembering a bumper sticker I saw recently: "I'm already against the next war." Amen. May the current wars be immediately resolved, and may there never be a next war!
5) We are enjoying a pleasant evening with windows open and the fading sun lighting up our front hallway in lacey patterns as it shines through tree leaves. Very pretty.
The only thing better than the last day of school is the first day of summer. Have fun and play as much as you can. My daughter in law is fussing because they are painting her school this summer and she has to pack all her stuff, such a pain.