
Saturday, June 27, 2009

It Was a Good Day to Sew

I got up too early, felt groggy, but was willing to do so because I got to sew ALL DAY today. A nice little Diet Coke solved the grogginess problem.

Met three other women at my church and hunkered down to sew. I made this top.

This was made by Clara (not her real name).

These were made by Jezabelle (NHRN). Don't you wish you could have a bite or three? Become a quilter, join us at my church on the appropriate Saturday, and you, too, might be lucky enough to savor the sweet goodness of these caramel rolls. (They're the Diet version, because she used less butter than was called for.)


  1. Yum! That looks delicious. I spent my day scrapbooking. It was a perfect day to be crafty!

  2. I love that quilt top, it is beautiful. And the block and food look great! Sounds like a wonderful day!


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