
Monday, June 01, 2009

I'm Simple

My pal, Megan, has been posting the Simple Woman's Daybook journal questions on Mondays. I decided to join in officially. Here goes:

FOR TODAY Monday, June 1, 2009

Outside my window at work, gorgeous blue sky, bright green leaves, glorious sunshine.

I am thinking about how fast my summer is going to go. We have so much to do this summer!

I am thankful for my son's successful graduation from college!

From the kitchen: it is at least semi-presentable, thanks to my hubby who did 2 days' worth of dishes yesterday, after he worked so hard in the yard all day.

I am wearing black capri pants, blue t-shirt, sandals.

I am creating a mental list of what to pack for my week-long mission trip.

I am going to South Dakota later this month!

I am reading Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson.

I am hoping that I age as well as my mother has.

I am hearing the incessant hum of the ventilation system in this building. It hums all year long, either from the heater or from the air conditioning. Sounds like I work inside an airplane.

A few plans for the rest of the week: work, go to a few meetings, volunteer on Saturday morning, and then RELAX.

Here is a picture thought I am sharing...

I downloaded this photo from the internet in 2002. What do you think is the story behind this picture? What are all these babies doing today? I assume they are now about 7 or 8 years old. What do they all look like now? Would they all fit on this sofa at the same time like they did then? Why isn't a single one of them crying??

Go here to read other Simple Woman's Daybook entries.


  1. I can not wait to hear about all your summer adventures!!! What a great photo...that would be neat to see them all lined up again!!!

  2. I love celebrating the simple! Thanks for sharing.


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