
Saturday, June 20, 2009

Crow Creek, Days 2 Through 6

I never got more internet opportunities while at Crow Creek. After the wall-washing day, we abandoned the painting project and ended up working at the "pole barn." An empty room contained several random pieces of stuff and nothing that we needed. We moved things around, hauled things in and out as necessary. The room was gradually transformed into a Thrift Shop. They hope to open the shop some time next week. It was almost a miracle to see what we could do with an empty room. It looks beautiful, and ready for some shoppers.

It was hot and sometimes heavy work, but fun and very rewarding. We met some wonderful people and had amazing experiences.

I'm home now and will upload my 500+ photos and get to work sorting them and preparing them for sharing.

Mitakuye oyasin!


  1. Carol,
    Glad to hear you are home safely. God Bless you for your service & hard work. Can't wait for the pictures.

  2. Welcome home!!!! I can't wait to hear all about the trip!!! :)

  3. sounds like it was a good week!

  4. Get some rest. we are looking forward to hearing more.


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