
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Toys and Stuff

This morning I slept late (which felt fabulous) and then I worked on making a couple more toys. These are really fun! I've been inspired by designs of other toy makers and used their ideas to create mine.... using my own signature touch, of course. I posed these with the Toy Society tag, but I'm not so sure I'm going to randomly give away every toy I make. I think I'm going to keep making them over the summer and try to sell some at our church bazaar next fall. It's something new for the bazaar; maybe they'll be a hit.

Besides toys, I'm working with Stuff. The "stuff" I'm referring to is all the treasures I am packing up for a garage sale. Whoa, am I beat! I've been working on this for 8 hours, almost straight through. I've gotten a lot done, which feels good. But there is more to go! I want to downsize our household and get rid of "Stuff!" I believe in living simply, but you wouldn't know it by the excess stuff (aka junk) that has been accumulating around here. Hooray for finally attacking it! Wish me luck in making a big dent in downsizing. And, wish me luck in sales, because I am hoping that what I make from selling these treasures will help finance my mission trip to Crow Creek Reservation next month.

Today I'm thankful for:
1) taking charge of our empty nest and making progress on its organization - yes, Dr. Leslie, I can be my own Life Coach!
2) hubby purchased a new rake, fixed the wheelbarrow, and did some badly needed yard work
3) liking the toys I am churning out
4) interesting blogs and bloggy friends
5) the countdown -- only 16 work days left 'til summer break!


  1. Yeah for organization! Reign in that chaos Carol! And good luck with your garage sale - is it tomorrow, or next weekend?

  2. you go are putting me to shame I hope I can pull it together!

  3. HA HA!! LOL I love your toys. The first one in this post really made me lol. I am sure some child will just love them. I was inspired by your other ones a few posts back to make a couple of dolls of my own. Another blogger Eclectic quilter came to Idaho to visit with a friend of her's. While she was here we got together to meet. I made her a doll to remember her trip to Idaho.

    good luck on the down sizeing. I am trying very hard change from being such a collector and part with some of my "treasures" At least I have been very good at not adding to them. (grin)

  4. I've made a couple of toys for the Toy Society too. Haven't got the tags made yet though, and not quite sure how to go about doing the drop. Love your little monsters in this post!


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