
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Monster Man and Frog Woman

Yesterday I meant to get my quilt flimsy finished.... I should have bet against myself, because I knew I'd get distracted. I get easily bored when all I have left is to sew the rows together.

I wandered through some blogs and found out about the The Toy Society. Great idea! They make little home-made toys and then do a secret drop with a tag that says "take me home." Some child will find it and get a new toy. This idea started in Australia after all their terrible brush and home fires... and the idea is spreading around the world. Of course, I had to join in the fun.

This project reminded me, however, that I really only like to sew quilts. I'm not so great at garment and toy sewing. In fact, these types of projects stress me out and are the reason I thought I hated to sew. Quilts saved the day for me. I did manage to make two toys, but they are kind of dorky looking.

What do you think? Will some kid like these?

First is Monster Man. He looks a little scary, but is really friendly and loves to tell jokes. He gets cold easily and likes to cuddle up to the iron to warm up.

Then there is Frog Woman. She lacks self confidence and never says much, but she's a great listener.

(Frog Woman is espeically odd, don't you think? I rescued her out of the trash, but she might go back there... I dunno...........)


  1. I think they're adorable -- I love the character you've given Monster Man, and can imagine some 5 year old boy loving him!

  2. Carol, I love them! I know that kids will love them, especially if you attach a little note with their "story." Super cute!

  3. How Very Cute! I love them! They make me smile! Both of these little dolls have personality!

  4. Oh I think that both of these little ones will be loved by someone! :) How fun!

  5. Hey, it takes all kinds. I think you should give Frog Woman her chance to find a good home. Some of us prefer wonky over precision after all!

    When I read about The Toy Society I had to sign up to play too ;- )

  6. Anonymous9:40 PM

    That is so cool!


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