
Sunday, May 24, 2009

In the Toy Groove

I found my toy-making mojo. I'm having such fun! I've learned something with each toy I make. Maybe that will help me (eventually) make a toy that has only slight mistakes in it. Even though I'm still learning, so far I'm really liking almost all of them, and it's fun and quick to make them. Some of these you have seen before. Some are new:

Here's the Monster Family!

In addition to these ten, I have made three toy drops for Toy Society. These are the three I dropped:

I think I'll go make another toy.....


  1. these are wonderful and funky. what a great way to use up bits of big and wild prints. I love their faces. these monsters make me smile!

  2. Anonymous10:36 PM

    I love them all!!

  3. I agree with Brenda. They all make me smile. What fun they must be to make.

  4. Love your monsters - everyone of them! They bring a smile to my face.

  5. Each one is a little work of art!!! It's so fun to see you doing these, Carol. Please keep sharing!

    Happy Memorial Day to you and yours.

  6. They are wonderful! LOve them. So Happy looking! Keep up the toy makeing! You have inspired me to pay with makeing some too.

  7. Your Monsters are totally cute! And so is Jellie Phish :- )

  8. Love your toys - what fun! I think your monsters are so cute! I'm almost tempted to try some toys again - it's been a long time since I did that. Good job!


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