
Thursday, May 07, 2009

Am I Cool or What?

Megan says that if I post this picture at my blog, people will think I'm cool.

what.everrrr. I thought my extreme coolness was already common knowledge.

Anyway, we went to a fundraiser. We had dinner, bought items at the silent auction, listened to cool music ....

(band is Dred I Dread from Minneapolis,
check out their website at dredidread dot com)

.... and "Phillip" won this door prize: a cool mug.

Somehow I think this blog entry proves how supremely cool we all are.... We had a fun evening, and now it's time for bed.


  1. oh, I am SO jealous!! How was it? Did they get a good turnout? I hope so!!!

  2. You are way cool Carol ;)

  3. Where did you go? And who is it?

  4. I think you are SUPER cool! We had a lot of fun last night (and I think the plan is working - Phillip was very impressed with the organization!). Thanks again for letting us tag along!

  5. Of COURSE you're cool! Anyone who goes to a fundraiser is cool. I hope you raised lots of $$$ :-)

  6. You are one cool gal! *two thumbs up!* love this blog. :)


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