
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Zillions of Quilts

See this very sweet baby cuddled in a quilt? This baby has just undergone cleft palate surgery in Venezuela. The quilt is a gift from a loving quilter and donated to Rotaplast. Rotaplast is a program of Rotary; doctors and others volunteer to travel to another country and provide free surgeries. When the kids come out of surgery, they get to warm up in and keep a donated quilt. Over the years I have donated zillions of quilts to Rotaplast, and I love to think of the sweet little children who receive my quilts. Once in a blue moon I have been lucky enough to see a picture of a kid with a quilt made by me! This one is not, but it sure motivates me to try to make and finish more quilts!

For that reason I have put up the Spring to the Finish tab over on the sidebar. Thanks to Tall Grass Prairie Studio for the idea. We are trying to finish quilts during the month of April - as many as possible. So, I'm game. After seeing this picture, I want to make a few zillion more for the kids helped by Rotaplast.

Want to help? Check out the Sunshine blog and join us! Sunshine donates to two projects -- one is quilts for Rotaplast (through the coordinator of Wrap a Smile)!


  1. I will definitely add a quilt to that wonderful project. Thanks so much for posting this and what a great cause!!!!!

    Norfolk is the home base for Operation Smile.

  2. It's a great idea. I should look to it here with the Rotarians.

  3. Yeah Rotaplast! Yeah Sunshine!

    I have a "slow month" in April (1 day off each week and a few 1/2 days scattered here and there), so I'll Spring to your challenge Carol! I have a big pile sitting here waiting for attention - either ship them off to Bev or get to work myself (just bought batting and backings a few weeks ago, so can probably do both!)


  4. Rotoplast sounds like an awesome organization!

  5. I needed a little more jump start to get a few things finished - thanks for the link.

    For $mas a few years ago instead of silly gifts for my family, i sent the money I would have spent to Operation Smile (similar to Rotoplast) and we sponsored a surgery. One of the best gifts my family's ever gotten.

  6. Great idea, Caron! I should do something like that this year. We don't need any more dumb gifts, that's for sure.


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