
Saturday, April 04, 2009

Post #500!!!!!

Wow, this one sneaked up on me. I knew #500 was coming, but didn't know it was coming up so quickly! To celebrate reaching my 500th post, and still having readers (thank you one and all!), I am going to do a double give-away. If you leave a comment, you will have your name put into a hat for a prize drawing. One person will win something. I don't know what yet! You'll just have to wonder. I'll try to make it nice, though not too spendy. It'll be kind of a grab-bag gift of thanks to my readers, though I'm sorry to say I can only gift one of you.

AND, for every comment I receive, a certain amount of money will go into a collection. $1 per comment, 10 cents per comment... whatever amount I can afford when the comments have all arrived (deadline for counting the total number of comments is Monday April 6 at 6:00 p.m. Minnesota time). I would like to do $1 per comment.. let's test it and see how high it goes.
The money will go to: TA-DA - Ampersand Families! They are a new non-profit in Minneapolis whose goal is to find permanent homes for the double digit foster kids - kids aged 10 and up who often end up with no permanent family of their own. I love what they are doing, and I am trying to support their work. You can read about them here: Ampersand Families.

I have been telling Charles that he is taking me out for dinner tonight, though I couldn't think of a good "excuse" (if being with me isn't good enough, I don't know what is... but sometimes I need even more persuasion powers than that!) Celebrating my Post #500 will be an ideal reason for going out on a date tonight with my favorite husband.
Let's see those comments pile up! 1...2...3...4.............


  1. Congratulations!!! WOW, 500 posts is quite an accomplishment.

    Yes, celebrating #500 is well worth a night out with your "favorite" husband...(I love that).

    Have fun, you really deserve it.

  2. Yay! I am the first one to comment!! Love the shout out for Ampersand Families :)

  3. Ack! I missed it by a minute!

  4. Congratulations on 500 posts! That's awesome! I love reading about you, your quilts and you days!

  5. 500 posts! I am going to start a blog soon and can't even imagine that many posts. Love your giraffe pictures!

  6. Here is your reason to go out to eat tonight: You love your husband and he loves you!

    500 posts whoop whoop!

  7. Happy 500 posts! I enoy your glimpses of life in MN. You keep reminding me how much I love my home state.

  8. 500 posts how wonderful! I am a loyal follower! Hope we get the donation amount up there, and have fun with "your favorite husband"

  9. The gift to Ampersand Families is a wonderful idea. I hope that you encourage people to give to charities in their areas that are near and dear to their hearts.

  10. 500 posts! Awesome! Love your blog and your baby giraffe! You have a big heart and you do great things! Not just quilts, but community stuff too!

  11. Ha ha HA! I was reading your post today and got to the end, and went,"who the heck is CHARLES?!" Then I read your "about you" - gotcha. It gave me a great laugh!

    Congrats on 500 posts! I'm 1/5 of the way there! LOL

  12. HI Carol,
    Congratulations on posting 500 posts. That is a wonderful accomplishment. I hope that you get lots of people to come and visit- your giveaway is lovely but your donation to a local charity is even lovelier.
    I enjoy visiting and seeing your newest projects and reading about the things you hold dear.

  13. Carol, the little giraffe is so adorable! Do you have a little paddock area for him? ;-)
    Congrats on 500 posts! That's a lottal postin. I love your donation idea! Good for you!

  14. Thanks to all of you so far! 14 comments already! I'm not replying to each one, although I should, because you're so nice to stop by and leave wonderful comments. Just know that I am reading and enjoying every single comment, and watching the numbers go up is great, too! Thanks a million!

  15. I can't imagine 500 posts: way to go. I also like the idea of giving to Ampersand Families. I used to do assessments of families where children had been removed, some of whom could never return. Sad situation but sometimes necessary.

  16. Yeah for 500 Carol! Let's hear it for another 500!

  17. Congrat's, Carol. Pat yourself on the back for reaching 500 posts. That's a lot of time and keystrokes. Love the giraffe photos, and your donation to Ampersand Families is a fantastic idea. On to the next 500!

  18. wow impressive. 500 wonderful posts. And such a great cause to donate to. Keep on posting and I'll keep on enjoying and taking inspiration

  19. Hi Carol, I love the giraffe pictures, so cute. 500 posts is amazing, well done you and congratulations. I like the name of the not for profit group you are supporting.

  20. congrats on 500. don't put me in for the draw, I just wanted to say hey and drive up the donation to a worthy cause.

  21. Hi Carol. Congratulations on your 500th post and what a great organization to honor.

  22. I just found your blog am loving your photos of giraffes. We, at the Toronto Zoo had baby Gs and they were so cute, happened to be there when the zoo keeper was cleaning the cage and we were so lucky to be given a chance to touch the baby...Like a foal, he was shy, but those grandkids just fell in awe!
    Can't imagine 500 blogs! I have reached 100, am going to do something too.
    I'm sure you saw the documentry on the giraffes living in London on an estate, so very cute.
    I never knew anyone loving these gentle creatures like you do...bless you.

  23. Congrats on your 500th post. Looks like it could get expensive for you!

  24. Congratulations on 500 posts! WOW! so cool~a double gift...that is so sweet of you :)

  25. Congratulations on reaching your 500th post. Ampersand Families sounds like a very deserving charity. I'll have to check it out.

  26. Congratulations on 500 posts! And the little giraffe is adorable. Ho you were successful in persuading hubby to take you to dinner.

  27. Congratulations on post #500!! Thats a lot of posts! Your giraffe pictures are really cute, and that sounds like a great organization that you area going to be donating to!

  28. I can't believe 500 posts! wow! Congrats and have fun with "Charles"

  29. 500 posts is a great number to have reached--I hope to still be getting to read your fun blog when you get to 1000! Please do put me in your drawing. The giraffe pics are adorable. The closest zoo to us, in Santa Barbara, CA, has giraffes too and they are so great to watch.

  30. Between quilting and blogging, how do you have time to do anything else?

    I don't need to be in the drawing, but since you renamed my brother, niece and nephew, I want a cool nom de blog. Maybe Lancelot or Megatron. Is Barack taken?

  31. Congratulations on your 500th post! Very impressive. I'm lucky if I get one posted a month!

    My 17 yo DD loves giraffes so I will show her your posted photos.

  32. Congrats on your 500th post.

  33. Congrats on reaching 500! I've been reading for a while, but this is my first comment -- I'm bad about commenting, but I really enjoy your blog, seeing the beautiful things you make and also reading your introspective thoughts. Thanks for sharing!

  34. Wow 500th post and giraffe content to boot! A great reason to celebrate. Keep up the good works!

  35. Congratulations of 500 posts! What a milestone!!! It's fun to visit your blog, see your projects, read your thoughts and get to know you. Hooray!

    What a fun celebration...and a worthy cause to support!

  36. WOW congratulations on 500, that is great. I'm still working up to my first 100. I hope you had a nice dinner with hubby celebrating 500. The baby giraffe pictures are so cute.

  37. 500 -- Wow!! Congratulations!

  38. 500 Posts. What an accomplishment. Glad you had a good week off. I know that can really rejeuvenate you. Best of luck!

  39. Way to go! At the rate I am able to post, it will take me about 400months to get to 500 posts ;-)

    PS: my mom loves giraffes too - great pics!

  40. hey Carol! Jen Braun from Ampersand here. Thanks for selecting Ampersand Families as your charity of choice! And congrats on post #500. :)

  41. Congrats on post #500. Jen and Michelle from Ampersand helped us find our son. Thanks for picking Ampersand Families. They are a great organization.

  42. Congrads, and Ampersand is a great nonprofit!

  43. Anonymous4:21 PM

    What a great idea to share your success with a great organization like Ampersand Families! Congrats!!

  44. Life would be so much easier as a giraffe. wink wink. Congrats!

  45. Thanks so much for your interest in Ampersand, and congrats on #500.

  46. Ampersand ROCKS. thanks.

  47. neato! $$ for ampersand and a blog for me. congrats on $500!

  48. Hey~

    I'm so happy you've reached 500 and also that you are supporting Ampersand Families. What a worthy cause!

    I'm personally very excited about their desire to create permanence through scrapbooking, etc. Wouldn't blogging be another cool way to help these kids gain the connections they need?

    Thanks again!



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