
Monday, April 20, 2009

Copying Megan

I liked Meg's post over at Life Is Good... , so I copied her list and am answering them with my own thoughts. Here goes.

Outside my window... night sky and beautiful city lights.
I am thinking... I am lucky to have such nice friends!
I am thankful... for my sister's wonderful bookstore and the "sister discount" she gives me.
From the kitchen... not much today. For lunch I grabbed a frozen entree, and I went out for dinner. Hubby was on his own.
I am wearing... same thing I wore to work. It was cold today, so a modified turtle-neck with a vest, and jeans.
I am creating... quilts - always.
I am going... to wish I didn't have two Diet Cokes with caffeine tonight.
I am reading... "The Year of Living Biblically" by A.J. Jacobs - very funny and thought-provoking.
I am hoping... that I don't look terribly fat in pictures of my son's wedding this summer.
I am hearing... television -- a very dumb show, but it's entertaining.
Around the house... folded laundry in the living room. Hey, at least it's folded!
One of my favorite things... being at home on a quiet evening with my sweet hubby, both of us doing a lot of nothing.
A few plans for the rest of the week... book club, a funeral (a very dear man died of cancer this week), and an all-day volunteer event on Saturday (from 6 a.m. to midnight).
Here is a "picture thought" I am sharing.


  1. LOL I like the picture - care to explain?
    I can't wait for book group this week - should be fun!

  2. That was my thought too, awesome pic, looks like a good story in there lol!
    Those placemats are gorgeous! I just made a scarf in those exact colors, jewel tone green and purple. Great taste you have!

  3. I have a group of friends .. five of us. We all worked in the same job, same location at one time. We made a waiter guess why we were all wearing "hand" jewelry one time. He guessed and guessed and didn't get it. We were all sign language interpreters at one time. He kicked himself after we told him why the hands. We stll grab hand objects any time we find them, even though some of us have drifted into different jobs. Last night we were celebrating a birthday. The one who took this picture was the birthday girl. She had pink hands on her head. We wore these hands all night, even walking back to our cars in different directions. It is fun to have a sense of humor and silliness! That is the explanation.

  4. I believe folded laundry is truly a miracle. Hooray that it was folded. And hooray for your fun sense of humor!


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