
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Street Art and a Toy

Here is some fun street art at two different corners in St. Paul, Minnesota.

Below is the quilt I hung up at work. It was time to take down the Snow quilt and advertise spring! Isn't this one gorgeous? I bought it at a sample sale when Colorful Quilts was going out of business. I love it!

Yesterday my new toy came in the mail! I was so excited!

It came in this cool box that has a handle... I'll use this for quilty projects. It's great for carrying a project to a retreat, for example.

Here it is! Can you see what it is?

It's my new digital picture frame! I played with it a little, but I need more time to really figure out how to make great little movies on it. I'm excited!! Splurging on new toys is fun!


  1. Way Cool! You are spoiled! Oh and I love the art!

  2. Wonderful street art, and have fun with your new toy!

  3. I got a digital frame for Christmas and it is great. It sits across the room from me when I am wtching TV so I can see my pictures go by. Neat.


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