
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Pink Saturday

Today was a quilters' mini-retreat day at my church. At first there were only two of us, then three, then four. The four of us had plenty of room to spread out and got a lot done. We also enjoyed our chatter and eating some chocolate, of course. Chocolate is a required component of any quilters' retreat.

Here is some of the progress I made today. I worked in pink all day long! First is a top made from blocks I won in a block lotto.

Second is a small kid quilt I made using a bunch of pinks I had sitting around. The border fabric
depicts the cutest little kids doing aerobics! Their cute expressions and outfits just make me giggle.

These are blocks I made for Sunshine. These aren't due until April! April colors are pastels, so today's pink theme was perfect. Some of these are orphan blocks made by various other people. I enlarged them to the correct size. Others I made from scratch.

I got up at 6:00 A.M. today (a Saturday!) so I'm heading to bed right now, 9:00 P.M. I'm worn out!


  1. Churn dash is my fav. I love that quilt. what a fun day you had, I'll have to organize that at my church.

  2. Love that churn dash! So pretty.

  3. nice quilt tops! sometimes using one color is a great change of pace

  4. Wow, you got a lot done. Could I borrow some of your energy?

  5. Wow! You have been busy! I love the churndash/monkey wrench top. I never know what to call that one. I am usually not a fan of pink anything, but all your stuff looks wonderful!

  6. Each is so very lovely! Must be a joy to get together with others and share your love of quilting!

  7. The quilts are gorgeous! I particularly love the red but it is a favorite color of mine!


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