
Monday, March 09, 2009

My Mom and Staff Development

On Sunday we went to sister's house to share in a birthday lunch for our mom. It was a fun day with great food and good company! Mom is 88 and has four children, seven grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. What a wonderful, motley crew! Here is Mom with her three great-grands.

Today I have staff development all day. I'm at home right now on my lunch break. Soon I'll trot merrily back to an afternoon of more enlightenment. This morning a couple co-workers presented some stuff. This afternoon it will be an outside expert with more stuff. Tra la la!


  1. great pics of the relatives! So cute!

    your day sounds like mine...but less enlightening!

  2. I think I'm a rarity. . . I enjoy staff development days!


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