
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm Home (Brrrr) Sweet Home!

There seems to be a COLD theme going in my life. When I was with my sister in NY we almost froze our derierres off. Today I came back to Minnesota, and it's raining and in the mid-30's. Brrrr! Worse than yesterday in NY!

Here's my picture of the place where we had lunch. Yesterday's post was a picture I found at Google; it obviously was taken on a nice, warm day. My picture shows the grayness and the waves (sort of), but it is hard to show how biting the wind was. My sister tried to sit in the chair, but what you see here is about as long as she stayed seated. It was just too cold to sit still.

I got to see my nephew in the lead role of "Kiss Me, Kate." His real-life GF played the female lead. They were both fabulous as were many of the other actors... a talented group!

My sister and I had one Play Day. We were deeply engrossed in very serious conversations the whole time:

We ate well, shopped, and just about solved all the world's problems, except that my visit wasn't quite long enough to accomplish it all.

Here's my sis showing me the house she is about to buy. I already know which bedroom I want the next time I visit!

I had a great time with "sis;" I'm glad I went. Next time, maybe it will be warmer, and we can take some time to hunt down a quilt shop!


  1. Welcome home! We missed you! Can't wait to hear about your trip tonight!

  2. You are so lucky to have a wonderful sister.

  3. Looks like a fun time! Love those andirock chairs!

  4. I love going along on your adventures! Thanks for sharing.

  5. I love the look of your sisters new house! Thank you for commenting on my blog. Yes, animals are attracted to my Bug. She wants to be a wildlife worker of some sort when she grows up. Unfortunately she has lots of allergies too. We have 3 cats and wants a dog so badly, but her dr says not a good idea. :o(

  6. I can think of a couple quilt shops in the area. :-) Let me know when you are visiting next, I'll drive out to play. -MissaB


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