
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Quilts by Moi

Thank you for your nice support of me when I was feeling sad teary. I've had some stuff on my mind. Sometimes working through my ponderings is hard and makes me sad. I'm feeling a little better today, and I had a nice chit-chat with my sweet hubby. He makes me happy!

So to celebrate my better mood, I thought I would share with you the quilts I have hanging in my guild's show. Here you go!

These first two are for sale in the small quilt auction. I made them both, but one of them was put in the auction by its owner. Long story. Don't ask.

Lotto blocks I won; most of the blocks are signed by quilters from around the USA.

baby quilt made from scraps

made in celebration of hubby and my 33rd anniversary

literally made from floor scraps

made in a mystery class sponsored by my guild

My Methodist Quilt - it contains a quote by John Wesley, the founder of Methodism

fun scrappy bargello!

close-up of my random fabrics

windy day - was inspired by the tiny clothes pins I bought - this quilt measures 8" x 10"


  1. Glad you are feeling better!

    Love all of your quilts. Especially the African one and the one flappin' in the breeze on the clothesline.

  2. I love your quilts! You do amazing work! I love the "Windy Day" quilt. WAY COOL!

  3. You are very prolific! i love your work.

  4. This is a great bunch of quilts, Carol! The scrappy bargellos is fabulous, and reminds me that I need to get going on mine!

  5. Like the you quilts

  6. You do lovely work! I guess I missed your teary post. Hope you are feeling better. 'Windy Day' is very nice, but I like them all!

  7. Windy Day is just wow! I have never seen a quilt like that before. I also particularly like the second one in your post ... very unique. These are really great quilts; makes me think I should get one made out of some the kids' clothing I am saving someday ....

  8. Love all your quilts, especially the Windy Day and the Scrappy Bargello. Aren't bargello quilts great fun to make?


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