
Thursday, January 29, 2009

One Week Left!

In one week I need to turn in the quilts I intend to hang in our guild's annual show. I'm scrambling to get everything done because I have - big surprise - procrastinated! This is one quilt that I did finish. It is for the small quilt auction that we run in the store during the month the show is up. Thanks for the interesting middle piece, Leslie! (All I did was add the border and quilt it.) What do you think? Will it sell?


  1. This is just a real nice quilt. Looks like a celebration of some kind. I really like the way you added to this centerpiece.

  2. Yes it will sell and quickly. I love the happy feel of this one. We're in temperatures of 113 deg F so I'm enjoying seeing your photos of snow.
    Hugs JJ

  3. so sorry I'm not coming to your show this year! Mercedes turned a year old yesterday....was it just a year ago I went to the show with you and Sally & Janet?

  4. How many quilts do you show? I love this one... get busy woman!

  5. That is awesome!


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