
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Just a Tiny Leak...

See this tiny break in a water pipe?

See this beautiful room?

See what that tiny break did to the beautiful room? Amazing! This is at my church. I heard there was a "flood," but I never pictured this. See what amazing damage some water droplets hath wrought!

[Stuff is dragged to other places all over the church to dry out.]


  1. Wow - and to think, other than the ceiling being ripped out, everything else already looks better than when I was there yesterday morning! Water was literally POURING over the kitchen window! And there were PUDDLES in my office! Yuck!

  2. Wow Megan, that's insane!

    I still can't believe it. I love the pictures Carol, thanks for taking them to document what has happened.

  3. We had this happen in our house, luckily it was in the basement where the damage was less trouble. A LOT of water gets through that large split in the pipe. You would be surprised how much and how fast. Hope this room is back to normal soon. How did the pipe burst?

  4. Great Pics Carol!

  5. that's no small hole in a water pipe... I can imagine the mess!

  6. Carol, you crack me up! And see, I'm commenting on your blog :)

  7. Oh my. It is amazing just how much water pours out of a little break like that so fast. I feel for everyone who has to deal with this. It certainly is no fun. Those memories are very fresh in my mind right now!


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