
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Cuties on Ice

A neighborhood elementary school started ice skating lessons today. A few people from my church volunteered to help. We tied on skates, helped the kids wobble out to the rink, and we provided hot chocolate and treats.

There were "big kids" there to help - middle school kids who are good skaters. It was so cute to see the little ones holding on to the middle size ones for support. A few used folding chairs.

It was five below zero, but the kids were bundled up nicely, and the teacher was careful about having them go into the warming house periodically.

We'll be there to help again next week. Fun!


  1. I am glad it happen!

  2. I thought I'd learn to skate better when I came to MN but I haven't been not once. I can kind of scoot around the ring slowly. The Depot is just down the road a ways, I should go.


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