
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Where to begin.......

I wonder where to begin my ramblings. Seems like lots is going on, but I don't know what it is. What is keeping me so busy these days?

Work is really a zoo. We are so swamped and understaffed. It's ridiculous. On the other hand, we have all risen to the occasion and are doing the best we can without complaining (most of us). So that is the good news. I am really lucky to work where I do.

I have been trying to catch up on quilty projects, but of course that will never happen. Right now I have a bunch of bindings to put on, and that always slows me down. I love getting the quilts finished, but making bindings is so boring that it just about drives me insane (or more insane than I normally am).

Church has been busy lately. I've been working harder at being involved in stuff and really dedicating myself to it -- putting more thought into what I do and why, and trying to be a 24/7 Christian and not just a one day a week pew sitter. I've always been involved, but maybe not so much with my whole self like I have been lately. Our new minister and my new friends at church are challenging me and helping me grow.

Please pray for this little sweet pea, Emmy. She is having major surgery on Friday, Nov. 14. They are anticipating ALL day, perhaps 9 hours for the surgery. Her poor mommy is beside herself with worry. We hope for a happy and successful outcome, but with a very long day of worry for her parents. The more prayers and happy thoughts, the better.


  1. will be sure to keep Emmy in my prayers.

  2. Oh my...sweet pea, indeed! Prayers will be raised for little Emmy. ;-)

  3. Thank you Carol. Seeing her picture on your blog brought me to tears. You are such a fabulous friend and I am thankful every day for the friendships that our book club has brought. I hope to see you in two weeks with lots of happiness, joys and hope for the future!

  4. Ahhhh I just posted something similar! Great minds think alike!

  5. I'll keep Emmy and her family in my prayers. I also found your blog a thoughtful one for me to consider about how I spend my time.


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