
Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Watching the Returns

This was the line we saw when we arrived at our polling place at 7:20 a.m.

It went pretty fast, and a half hour later I was done, back outside, and there was no more line.

This is youngest daughter of Walk a Mile.. by button until she can really vote,

and this is Walk a Mile.

Now I'm eagerly watching the returns.... holding my breath and keeping my fingers crossed!

WOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO! VICTORY!!!!!!!!!!!! It is a thrill to be alive in this historical moment!


  1. Anonymous8:14 PM

    I think it will be an exciting moment...
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  2. I have been thinking of you two today with the results coming in. Peder voted with me today. I'm VERY excited right now....some would call me a spaz. :)

  3. In more ways than one.

  4. Woohoo! An amazing night of CHANGE.

  5. Whoop Whoop! I am so elated....and tired... I need to listen to his speech today!

  6. Hi Carol,

    I've enjoyed reading your occasional posts on the election, although I live in the UK. My eighteen year old daughter said she would cry if Obama didn't win -in the end she cried because he DID win - and we got up at five UK time to listen to his speech - and what an excellent speech it was too. A truly great moment in history.

  7. Hooray! Hooray! Right??? :)


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